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Peer reviews are personal, this means you can only read the reviews you yourself have made on your course-mates work. If there are several people reviewing the The video above shows you how to take part in a peer review, and how to see the reviews your peers have given on your work. Guides from Instructure on Peer Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student's assignment. To complete the assignment, you must review the student's Some courses may use an assignment with a Peer Review option that allows students to review one or more assignment submissions by other students. Peer reviews. A STUDENT CANVAS GUIDE. This guide describes the following. • Finding peer review material. • Leaving comments/feedback. • Anonymous reviews.Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student's discussion reply. To complete the peer review, you must review the student's Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student's assignment. To complete the assignment, you must review the student's
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